Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Tuesday, May 31, 2016
Tuesday May 31st, 2016
I sent this out as a Canvas reminder, but I will also post this on the blog!
With 8 days of school left, I thought I would push out some information about the upcoming days.
This Thursday is the 5th grade Spelling Bee. The Spelling Bee begins at 2PM and goes until we have a winner! From our class we have the following people competing:
Zach Borzio
Jacob Brooks
Lucas Cunnane
Ethan Horning
Kylie Longenbach
Shane Murphy
Alana Neilson-Green
Alyssa Tampone
Parents of those children- you are welcome to attend the spelling bee!
On Friday, we have the fifth grade event in the afternoon. Students are to wear their 5th grade event t-shirts and PACK A LUNCH THAT DAY in a brown paper bag.
On Monday, we have field day and the parent volunteer luncheon.
Tuesday is T'ville Idol. This is for students only!
Wednesday is the fifth grade teachers vs. students kickball game.
Thursday is the last day of school and awards assembly for 4th and 5th graders.
Please email me with any questions about any of the upcoming events!
RELA- Read 30 min; book logs for 25 book standard are due on FRIDAY
Other- Planner signed
Thursday, May 26, 2016
Thursday May 26, 2016
Math- 6.3
RELA- Read 30; G&L Roots due tomorrow; KidBiz "Titanic" due tomorrow
Other- Alana field day permission; Planner signed
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Wednesday May, 25 2016
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 18 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Titanic" due Friday; G&L roots due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Field day permission slips
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 18 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Titanic" due Friday; G&L roots due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Field day permission slips
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
Tuesday May 24, 2016
Tonight your child will be packing their wagon for Oregon. They must have 1,000 BWU or less on their wagon and cannot take more than 3 of each item on the packing supply list. I encourage students to research what the actual pioneers took with them and what was essential to success on the trail. This is due tomorrow! Do not be the weak link in the wagon train!
In math we wrapped up geometry and quadrilaterals.
In math we wrapped up geometry and quadrilaterals.
Titanic debate teams finalized their plans for today and preparations for tomorrow's debate. We will see who is victorious- Captain and Crew / Ship Builders.
To wrap up the day,
Math- 5.19
Soc. St.- Wagon Train packed!
RELA- Book Club Day 17 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Molly Brown" due TOMORROW; G&L Roots due FRIDAY
Other- planner signed; field day Popsicle slips
Monday, May 23, 2016
Monday May 23, 2016
Fantastic ALICE drill this morning. Students were very respectful and mature during the process.
Math- 5.18
RELA- Day 16 due tomorrow for book clubs; G&L Roots due Friday; KidBiz "Molly Brown" due Wednesday (no TQ)
Other- planner signed; Field Trip permission slips due
Friday, May 20, 2016
Friday May 20, 2016
NWEA Reading this AM. Hard work pays off! Final check for growth in reading.
In the afternoon, we had a Titanic historian come to present some information to us about Titanic to help us with our debate next week.
Math- none
RELA- Book Club Day 15 due Monday; KIDBIZ "Molly Brown" due Wednesday; G&L Roots due 5/27
Other- Planner signed; ALICE permission slips due MONDAY
In the afternoon, we had a Titanic historian come to present some information to us about Titanic to help us with our debate next week.
Math- none
RELA- Book Club Day 15 due Monday; KIDBIZ "Molly Brown" due Wednesday; G&L Roots due 5/27
Other- Planner signed; ALICE permission slips due MONDAY
Thursday, May 19, 2016
Thursday May 19, 2016
NWEA Math all morning. Highest scores ever across fifth grade. Amazing.
Band concert and a new social studies unit was introduced this afternoon.
RELA- Book Club Day 15 due Monday; KidBiz "School All Year" due TOMORROW; G&L Root due 5/27 next Friday
Other- ALICE permission slips signed, Spelling Bee June 2nd
Band concert and a new social studies unit was introduced this afternoon.
RELA- Book Club Day 15 due Monday; KidBiz "School All Year" due TOMORROW; G&L Root due 5/27 next Friday
Other- ALICE permission slips signed, Spelling Bee June 2nd
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Tuesday May 17, 2016
Below are the two reminders that are coming home to families about our field trip! The first part is for all students, the bottom is for chaperones. Chaperone groups will be revealed tomorrow. Lets have a great time with great behavior and show what T'ville is all about tomorrow!
Student Reminders for the Field Trip
May 18, 2016 to Adventure Aquarium
- Wear your 5th Grade Event T-shirt to school.
- Pack a disposable lunch and drink.
- Wear comfortable shoes.
- Bring a book to read on the bus-no electronic use is permitted.
- Arrive to school on time! We are leaving right away.
- NO CELL PHONES-If you want to take pictures, bring a disposable camera or an I-pod. (Cell phones are not permitted in school and this is a school event)
- You are NOT permitted to purchase any food items on the trip. This is for your safety as we do not know the ingredients of food items sold at the aquarium.
- You must stay with your assigned chaperone at all times.
- Your best behavior is expected on this trip.
Dear Parent Chaperones,
This is a final reminder letter about the field trip tomorrow, May 18th.
Our trip to the Adventure Aquarium is here! This letter is a reminder to help you better serve as a chaperone. We are planning to leave the school as close to 9:15 as possible. Please arrive here by 9:00 and report to your child’s classroom. You will be riding the bus with your assigned chaperone group that you will receive that morning. The plan is to arrive at the aquarium by about 10:45. From there you will begin your self-guided tour. You have the time between 10:45 to 1:00 for a tour of the exhibits with your group. Don’t forget to visit the gift shop during that time. Students will be responsible for all items purchased. You can bring a backpack or bag along to store shopping items if you wish. Lunch is at 1 PM. You will find out which group you are in on the morning of the trip. At about 1:45 we will meet back at a designated area to take a group picture, board the busses, and head home.
You will need to bring along a brown bag lunch with your name on it and a drink. Also, please bring along your cell phone. We will be exchanging numbers in order to stay in touch throughout the day. STUDENTS ARE NOT PERMITTED TO CARRY CELL PHONES!
The representatives from the aquarium have informed us there will be many schools touring the facilities that day. It is imperative that all students in your group remain with you throughout the day!
Thank you for volunteering your time. Your support is key to the success of our trip! If you have any questions, please feel free to email your child’s teacher.
Final Reminders:
- Please bring small bags or purses if you need to bring anything. Starting this month, the aquarium does a bag check. Anything you bring in must be checked at the counter and will slow your group down from getting in. We are telling kids not to bring anything with them! If you want to bring anything with you, the teachers will be happy to check it in for you at the entrance and then deliver it to you once inside the aquarium. This will give you maximum time to explore with your group.
- Please do not buy any food for any student on the trip. This is for the safety of our students as we do not know the ingredients of all food products sold & we want to prevent any allergic reactions while on our trip.
- Pack your lunch! We will have large containers to carry these into the aquarium and keep them together.
- Lunch is at 1PM in the Breeze Way. Please be prompt!
- After lunch, we will have a group picture by the water where we walk into the aquarium. After the picture, we will board the busses to head back to school.
Math- none
RELA- Book Clubs Day 14 due THURSDAY; KidBiz "Titanic" due tomorrow, G&L Roots due 5/27
Other- Planner signed; ALICE permission slips due ASAP!
Monday, May 16, 2016
Monday May 16, 2016
Hello parents. Sorry for no blog posts last Thrusday and Friday, but I was down and out with an awful case of food poisoning that had me knocked out until Sunday.
This post has to be quick today because I am leaving after school to get blood work completed. Ask your child about the specifics we did!
Math- 5.15
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Club Day 13 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Titanic" due WEDNESDAY (no thought question)
Other- planner signed; science test tomorrow; some people still owe JOURNALS!; Field Trip Wednesday
This post has to be quick today because I am leaving after school to get blood work completed. Ask your child about the specifics we did!
Math- 5.15
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Club Day 13 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Titanic" due WEDNESDAY (no thought question)
Other- planner signed; science test tomorrow; some people still owe JOURNALS!; Field Trip Wednesday
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Wednesday May 11, 2016
All this morning, students from T'ville represented our school wonderfully at Strayer. Behavior was on point! Excellent job folks.
In the afternoon, we continued our deep research into why Titanic sank and whose fault it was. Debate coming up in about 4 to 5 days! We still have tons of research to gather.
To finish the day, we analyzed Chapter 7 of Holes and symbolized some of the characters and their sub-plot developing actions.
Math- none
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 10 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Enthusiasm" due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Cans of compassion for Friday's Hawaii day, JOURNALS due Monday for Social Studies
In the afternoon, we continued our deep research into why Titanic sank and whose fault it was. Debate coming up in about 4 to 5 days! We still have tons of research to gather.
To finish the day, we analyzed Chapter 7 of Holes and symbolized some of the characters and their sub-plot developing actions.
Math- none
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 10 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Enthusiasm" due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Cans of compassion for Friday's Hawaii day, JOURNALS due Monday for Social Studies
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Tuesday May 10, 2016
Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers game (above)
Math- Open Responses and LTA signed
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Clubs Day 9 due tomorrow; KidBiz quiz due tomorrow; KidBiz "Enthusiasm" due Friday
Other- WEAR YOUR 5th GRADE TSHIRT to STRAYER tomorrow; Cans of Compassion all week; Planner signed; Journals due May 16th! (we have some already turned in!)
Producers, Consumers, and Decomposers game (above)

Math- Open Responses and LTA signed
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Clubs Day 9 due tomorrow; KidBiz quiz due tomorrow; KidBiz "Enthusiasm" due Friday
Other- WEAR YOUR 5th GRADE TSHIRT to STRAYER tomorrow; Cans of Compassion all week; Planner signed; Journals due May 16th! (we have some already turned in!)
Monday, May 9, 2016
Monday May 9, 2016
Math- Mid-Mod p. 3 (volume)
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Club Day 9 due Wednesday; Holes chapter 4-6 due tomorrow with Stanley descriptions; KidBiz quiz due Wednesday; KidBiz "Enthusiasm" due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Coins of Compassion all week! Hawaii dress up Friday; CHAR and ABBY- field trip papers signed and in!
** Journals due May 16th **
Math- Mid-Mod p. 3 (volume)
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Club Day 9 due Wednesday; Holes chapter 4-6 due tomorrow with Stanley descriptions; KidBiz quiz due Wednesday; KidBiz "Enthusiasm" due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Coins of Compassion all week! Hawaii dress up Friday; CHAR and ABBY- field trip papers signed and in!
** Journals due May 16th **
Friday, May 6, 2016
Friday May 6, 2016
Quick post!
Math- LTA completed
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Club Day 8 due Monday
Other- Field Trip forms; Cans of compassion begins Monday; Planner signed; Trail Journals due May 16th
Math- LTA completed
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Club Day 8 due Monday
Other- Field Trip forms; Cans of compassion begins Monday; Planner signed; Trail Journals due May 16th
Thursday, May 5, 2016
Thursday May 5, 2016
Luke R. began our morning with a talk about the SS North Carolina.
After, we spent the entire morning setting up our eco-columns. Ask your child what we added and how the eco-columns are set up.

In the afternoon, we introduced Titanic and Kahoot reviewed our G&L roots for the week.

To finish the day, Mrs. Smith worked on growing our lexicons with context clues.
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Club Day 7 due tomorrow; G&L roots due tomorrow
Other- planner signed; field trip forms signed; Social Studies journals created
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Wednesday May 4, 2016
Quick post! Ask your child what we did today- it was a great day!
Math- NONE
Social Studies- MBSiD assessment due TOMORROW! and Trail Journals due May 16th
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Clubs Day 7 due Friday; G&L Roots due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Aquarium and Middle School Field Trip papers signed and returned ASAP!
**Please do not worry about KidBiz this week- it has come to our attention that we need to take an end of the year Lexile achievement assessment, so we will be doing that at some point based on what we discuss and decide tomorrow. **
Math- NONE
Social Studies- MBSiD assessment due TOMORROW! and Trail Journals due May 16th
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Clubs Day 7 due Friday; G&L Roots due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Aquarium and Middle School Field Trip papers signed and returned ASAP!
**Please do not worry about KidBiz this week- it has come to our attention that we need to take an end of the year Lexile achievement assessment, so we will be doing that at some point based on what we discuss and decide tomorrow. **
Tuesday, May 3, 2016
Tuesday May 3, 2016
This morning began with Mrs. Gunning and Mr. Schmucker taking over. I was over at district office for a reading curriculum meeting. When I arrived back at 10 AM I was overwhelmed with birthday cheer. Thank you all for making 28 special.
In math, we looked at finding the volume of irregular rectangular prisms.
In math, we looked at finding the volume of irregular rectangular prisms.
Revision and editing continued in writing... After a class reflection we have decided that we need another day of non-stop working on these because 69% of us are still working in some facet.
To wrap up the day we went on a quick tour of the Knowledge Fair that is this evening. We then dove into book clubs and wrapped up with some setting reflections from an important place in our lives.
Math- 5.6
Social Studies- MBSiD assessment due THURSDAY
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 6 due tomorrow; KidBiz "No Boys Allowed" due Friday; G&L Roots due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Art homework ASAP!
Monday, May 2, 2016
Monday May 2, 2016
This morning was very solemn and quiet- quite different for our class but definitely appreciated. This morning we took care of various tasks that needed to be covered, and had a quick morning meeting about our weekends.
In science, we began to look at how plants germinate. Our terrariums have not yet germinated, so hopefully over the next day or two they will begin popping up!
In science, we began to look at how plants germinate. Our terrariums have not yet germinated, so hopefully over the next day or two they will begin popping up!
In math we compared solid volume to liquid capacity. 1 cm cubed is equal to 1 milliliter!
Writing revisions and editing continued today. Tomorrow will be our last in class day to work on biographies.
To finish the day, we reflected on our internal and external selves. Ask your child what they drew or wrote to represent these two different types of self.
Math- 5.5
Social Studies- MBSiD assessment due Thursday 5/5
RELA- Read 30 min; Book club day 5 due tomorrow; KidBiz "No Boys Allowed" due Friday; G&L Roots due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Art homework due 5/4
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Thursday April 28, 2016
This morning began with a comical morning meeting from Mikey and his trip to Boston.
As the morning continued, we began our final science unit of the year- ECOSYSTEMS. We looked at the riverbank ecosystem, identified living/non-living things, and made connections about how each of these things needs each other. Tomorrow we will build our eco-columns!
In math, we continued to separate rectangular prisms by bases, and also used the standard algorithm for finding area.
In writing, revisions were in full swing. Some students are still drafting, but the transition to revisions has been strong.
To end the day, we continued to break down Walter Dean Myer's autobiography and are currently attempting to write from the voice of one of his teachers. Taking on the persona of someone else can be fun!
Math- 5.4
Soc. St.- MBSID Assessment due 5/4
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 4 due MONDAY; KidBiz "Hands Off!" due Friday; G&L Roots due 5/5 (quiz); NOTE in teacher's voice due tomorrow
Other- Planner signed; Art homework due 5/4
As the morning continued, we began our final science unit of the year- ECOSYSTEMS. We looked at the riverbank ecosystem, identified living/non-living things, and made connections about how each of these things needs each other. Tomorrow we will build our eco-columns!
In math, we continued to separate rectangular prisms by bases, and also used the standard algorithm for finding area.
To end the day, we continued to break down Walter Dean Myer's autobiography and are currently attempting to write from the voice of one of his teachers. Taking on the persona of someone else can be fun!
Math- 5.4
Soc. St.- MBSID Assessment due 5/4
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 4 due MONDAY; KidBiz "Hands Off!" due Friday; G&L Roots due 5/5 (quiz); NOTE in teacher's voice due tomorrow
Other- Planner signed; Art homework due 5/4
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Wednesday April 27, 2016
Our morning began with a soccer morning meeting from Liam.
After, we finished My Brother Sam is Dead. Ask your child how this ended; pretty devastating! The My Brother Sam is Dead assessment will be an at home assessment. It is due next Thursday- May 5th. Expectations have been set in class for how this will be graded and what is expected.
If your child has chosen to take the online version, it can be found here as well as in their email:
Later in the morning, we continued to dive deeper into volume by looking at the laying of bases.
After, we finished My Brother Sam is Dead. Ask your child how this ended; pretty devastating! The My Brother Sam is Dead assessment will be an at home assessment. It is due next Thursday- May 5th. Expectations have been set in class for how this will be graded and what is expected.
If your child has chosen to take the online version, it can be found here as well as in their email:
Later in the morning, we continued to dive deeper into volume by looking at the laying of bases.
As our afternoon continued, new Greek and Latin Root words were learned and applied.
mob, mot, mov (MOVE):
grad, gress (STEP):
Drafting and revisions continued with biographies. Final essay will hopefully be completed this week or early next week!
To end the day, we looked at some chapters from author Walter Dean Myers novel Bad Boy. Since our unit is on self perception, we are looking at how another person went through struggles of self perception. In Holes, this will certainly happen to Stanley.
Math- 5.3
Soc. St.- MBSID Assessment
RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 3 due tomorrow; KidBiz "Hands Off!" due Friday; G&L Roots due 5/5 (quiz)
Other- Planner signed; Art homework due 5/4
Monday, April 25, 2016
Monday April 25th, 2016
This morning began with Alana's morning meeting.
After, we continued through Chapter 13 and began 14 of MBSiD. Is the end near for Sam or can Tim save him!?
In math, we continued to work on volume by filling boxes with centimeter cubes.
Our afternoon began with reading marking period meetings and poems in our pockets.
Drafting should be wrapping up soon and together we created a fantastic revision checklist that some people began using today.
As the day wrapped up, we wrapped up our discussion on The Mighty's Max Kane. He was a pretty easy character to dissect, but it was great practice for concluding on how characters appear, what they say, what others say about them, and what they do.
Math- 5.2
RELA- Read 30; Book Clubs Day 2 due Wednesday, KidBiz "Hands Off!" due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Art homework due May 4th (see 4/22 for more details)
Friday, April 22, 2016
Friday April 22, 2016
This morning we received new seats and reviewed common practice for C6 students. After we continued to wrap up My Brother Sam is Dead. The end is near!
In math, we began back into Eureka. This module will be focused on volume. Today we used cubes and drawings to represent cubic centimeters.
This morning we received new seats and reviewed common practice for C6 students. After we continued to wrap up My Brother Sam is Dead. The end is near!
In math, we began back into Eureka. This module will be focused on volume. Today we used cubes and drawings to represent cubic centimeters.
In the afternoon, we created our revision checklist together. After drafting and conferences continued.
To wrap up the day, we looked at involuntary and voluntary actions that have happened to us in our lives. We then practiced looping elaborations on these ideas, and turned them into parallel structures. In the novel Holes, the main character will have many experiences with voluntary and involuntary moments. Continuing, we looked at the movie The Mighty to see how a simple 4 minute video clip can develop a character. We will continue on this Monday.
Math- 5.1
RELA- Read 30 min; Book Clubs Day 1 due Monday; KidBiz "Hands Off!" due next Friday
Other- Planner signed; Art homework due 5/4
FOR ART HOMEWORK: the username for canvas is qc23.first initial last name; for example my username would be qc23.zgarger. The password is qc followed by your lunch number. For example my password would be qc18951
Thursday, April 14, 2016
Thursday April 14, 2015
Quick post! Math homework tonight!!!
Math- CCP 21
RELA- Read 30 min
Other- Planner signed; Enrollment papers signed and returned; Report cards signed and returned
Monday, April 11, 2016
Monday April 11, 2016
PSSA Day 1! I spent the morning down with third graders. I know our fifth graders did amazing.
In the afternoon, we looked at adding and subtracting fractions, and then I shared some wedding pictures and stories with the class. Enjoy some of them!
In the afternoon, we looked at adding and subtracting fractions, and then I shared some wedding pictures and stories with the class. Enjoy some of them!
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
Tuesday April 5th, 2016
This morning began by jumping right into My Brother Sam is Dead, since we would be switching for math earlier than normal.
At 9:55 we switched for math, discussed math PSSAs, received back our graded LTAs, reviewed them, and then talked about powers of 10 and place value.
At 9:55 we switched for math, discussed math PSSAs, received back our graded LTAs, reviewed them, and then talked about powers of 10 and place value.
In the afternoon, we worked on a bit more grammar practice for PSSA. We then continued our research after looking at what reviseable research looks like.
To wrap up the day, we completed the Anita Roddick TDA and went over the questions. We will be working on key ideas and detail going forward since that caused us the biggest issues.
Math- CCP 5
RELA- Read 30; KidBiz "Eagles"; Finish TDA
Other- coins of compassion; planner signed
Monday, April 4, 2016
Monday April 4, 2016
This morning we began by looking ahead in the week. I had some special announcements about when I would be here and out since my wedding is Friday!
In Social Studies we completed chapter 6 of My Brother Sam is dead. Mr. Heron's letter was NOT delivered!
In math, we went back to look at place value. Bit of a review!
In Social Studies we completed chapter 6 of My Brother Sam is dead. Mr. Heron's letter was NOT delivered!
In math, we went back to look at place value. Bit of a review!
Writing- biography research
RELA- Anita Rodick, the body shop queen
Math- CCP 4
RELA- Read 30 min; KidBiz "Eagles" due Friday; Finish Anita Rodick Qs and # proof (20-28 read directions CAREFULLY!)
Other- planner signed; coins of compassion!
Friday, April 1, 2016
Friday April 1st, 2016
Monthly ticket drawing morning meeting!!!
My Brother Sam is Dead chapter 5 completed!
Math- geometry and 2d figures

Writing research. Reading TDA 3 text wrap up. These are pretty amazing!
Math- CCP 36
RELA- Read 30 min; Video research your biography topic; KidBiz "Eagles" due NEXT Friday; Finish Eagle TDA
Other- planner signed
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Thursday March 31st, 2016
Morning meeting lead by Kylie. The Easter egg hunt sounded fun, minus the dog stealing some eggs.
Colonies quiz followed morning meeting, then a small bit of MBSiD Ch. 5.
In math, we returned to coordinate planes!
In the afternoon, we took yearbook pictures. Then we organized our notes for researching our biographies. To end the day, we continued to delve into eagles and writing a three text TDA.
Math- CCP 35
RELA- Read 30 min; KidBiz "rock star" due tomorrow; watch some videos on your biography topic
Other- Planner signed; book goals due tomorrow!
Colonies quiz followed morning meeting, then a small bit of MBSiD Ch. 5.
In math, we returned to coordinate planes!
In the afternoon, we took yearbook pictures. Then we organized our notes for researching our biographies. To end the day, we continued to delve into eagles and writing a three text TDA.
Math- CCP 35
RELA- Read 30 min; KidBiz "rock star" due tomorrow; watch some videos on your biography topic
Other- Planner signed; book goals due tomorrow!
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Wednesday March 30, 2016
Quick post Wednesday.
Blake kicked off our morning with some fun spring break stories from New York. Enjoy those waterfalls.
After we reviewed our colonies for the quiz tomorrow! Get on that study train!
Blake kicked off our morning with some fun spring break stories from New York. Enjoy those waterfalls.
After we reviewed our colonies for the quiz tomorrow! Get on that study train!

In math we took our final Learning Target Analysis test of the marking period.
In the afternoon, we looked at easily confused words in grammar, how to organize a biography in writing, and setting up a 3 text TDA in reading.
Lebron biography:
Eagle cam!:
Math- none
RELA- Read 30 min; KidBiz "Rock Star" due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Colonies quiz tomorrow; Book goals due Friday!
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Tuesday March 29, 2016
This morning Stephen and Kylie kicked off our day with a Student Council presentation. Next week will be coins of compassion; get those coins ready.
We wrapped up Chapter 4 of My Brother Sam is Dead today; Sam came home and some craziness broke loose in ways that none of us predicted. The Patriots visited Redding...
In math we began working with coordinate planes.
We wrapped up Chapter 4 of My Brother Sam is Dead today; Sam came home and some craziness broke loose in ways that none of us predicted. The Patriots visited Redding...
In math we began working with coordinate planes.

We began our afternoon with grammar and working with easily confused words.
To begin writing, we wrapped up our previous writing pieces and built up to the topic of our next writing pieces. Since students have been reading Early American Historical Fiction at home, we will be writing our next informational essays about those men and women who actually lived during the start of the American Revolution.
People of the American Revolution
To finish the day, we looked at three similar texts about bald eagles. We only got to finishing the first, but the second will be for homework tonight. (EAGLE CAM!)
Math- CCP 34
RELA- Read 30; KidBiz "Rock Star" due Friday; Bald Eagles reading 1 questions #8 and 9 then read the second article and complete questions #12 and #13- annotate and number proof for all!!
Other- Planner signed; Colonies quiz Thursday; book goals for MP3 due Friday; Wear Reading Olympics shirts tomorrow for pictures!

Thursday, March 24, 2016
Thursday March 24, 2017
This morning began with ticket drawing and an impromptu discussion about how ugly produce is sadly thrown away... Think of all the food we are wasting just because it is not asthetically pleasing! Thankfully some people are doing something about it.
In Social Studies we wrapped up Chapter 3 of My Brother Sam is Dead. Sam came back after 4 months of fighting... We can't wait to see what he has to tell Tim.
Math's focus was on irregular rectangular prisms and how to find their volume... The toughest part of volume.
We took our final Greek and Latin root quiz of the marking period, and then continued to work on "How Tos."
In reading, we worked as an entire fifth grade to compare and contrast across different texts. This was a fun lesson with Mrs. Smith.
Math- None!
RELA- Read 30 minutes daily- Reading Olympics or Early American Historical Fiction
Other- Colonies quiz next Thursday 3/31 and planner signed
In Social Studies we wrapped up Chapter 3 of My Brother Sam is Dead. Sam came back after 4 months of fighting... We can't wait to see what he has to tell Tim.
Math's focus was on irregular rectangular prisms and how to find their volume... The toughest part of volume.
We took our final Greek and Latin root quiz of the marking period, and then continued to work on "How Tos."
In reading, we worked as an entire fifth grade to compare and contrast across different texts. This was a fun lesson with Mrs. Smith.
Math- None!
RELA- Read 30 minutes daily- Reading Olympics or Early American Historical Fiction
Other- Colonies quiz next Thursday 3/31 and planner signed
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Wednesday March 23, 2016
This morning began with a catch up on social studies and the 13 colonies.

After, we started back into My Brother Sam is Dead in chapter 3.
In math, again, we continued to study volume. Today we looked at word problems with volume, finding missing sides to a rectangular prism if you already know the volume, and we took a quiz to wrap up the session.
RELA had quite the afternoon. We Kahooted to review our Greek and Latin roots, and then quickly transitioned into our HOW TO writing piece. Amazing focus, conferences and questions being asked today. Impressive. After, we jumped into our Text Dependent Analysis for Arrow Over the Door, which again, was an impressively focused period. Bravo today guys and gals!
Math- CCP 32
RELA- Read 30 min; Complete TDA (take your time!); Greek and Latin roots due tomorrow
Other- Planner signed; Colonies quiz 3/31- next Thursday
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Tuesday March 22, 2016
What a great day to be back! Ahhh, it feels good!
This morning at 9:30, second grade performed their musical assembly for the entire school. Pretty impressive stuff from those little guys and gals.
After, we returned to our classes just in time for math. Today we looked at volume and using the associative property of multiplication to find the volume of rectangular prisms.
In the afternoon, we reviewed our Greek and Latin root words in a matching game.
After, we went back into our "How To" informational writing pieces. We analyzed a couple classmate's pieces so far, gave them positives and pushes, and then jumped back into our own writing. No opinions- only facts!
In reading, we reviewed the plot of Arrow Over the Door since Mrs. Schultz finished that with the class yesterday. We also began to organize for our TDA that we will be writing tomorrow.
Math- CCP 31
RELA- Read 30 min; TDA organizer completed and ready for tomorrow; G&L Roots due Thursday
Other- Planner signed; Parent field trip information sent in
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Thursday March 17, 2016
Dean lead us in a Franklin Institute morning meeting.
We began My Brother Sam is Dead today. Hopefully we can finish chapter 1 tomorrow.
In math, we reviewed line plots and then began discussing volume.
To end the day, Mrs. Smith presented a lesson on problem and solution.
*** Due to wedding planning and wedding events, I will not be in school tomorrow or Monday. There is lots for my fiance and me to plan, so I needed some days to help her prepare for our day. I expect the absolute best behavior from my classes. See everyone Tuesday.***
Math- CCP L28; Measurement revision due next Tuesday
RELA- Read 30 min and log; KidBiz "Haiti" due tomorrow; G&L Roots due next Thursday
Other- Planner signed; tshirt and yearbook info due TOMORROW
We began My Brother Sam is Dead today. Hopefully we can finish chapter 1 tomorrow.
In math, we reviewed line plots and then began discussing volume.
In the afternoon, presentations wrapped up. We then began our next unit on Informational writing. I showed the class some examples and demonstrated a HOW TO. Over the next few days, we will be writing quick HOW TO essays to show our skills in informational writing. Ask your child what my HOW TO was on... How embarrassing...
*** Due to wedding planning and wedding events, I will not be in school tomorrow or Monday. There is lots for my fiance and me to plan, so I needed some days to help her prepare for our day. I expect the absolute best behavior from my classes. See everyone Tuesday.***
Math- CCP L28; Measurement revision due next Tuesday
RELA- Read 30 min and log; KidBiz "Haiti" due tomorrow; G&L Roots due next Thursday
Other- Planner signed; tshirt and yearbook info due TOMORROW
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Wednesday March 16, 2016
This morning Ethan lead us through our morning meeting.
Post morning meeting, we filled in some background information between explorers, colonies and the start of the Revolutionary War. Tomorrow we will begin, what I believe to be, the best novel of the year- My Brother Sam is Dead. It is all about the American Revolution and what war can do to a family.
In math, we took a quick quiz on converting measurement. These will come home tomorrow. Many were disappointing, especially for a skill that we have touched upon in various lessons over the year and then spent 2 days reviewing. A revision packet will be sent home for those who would like to attempt to bump up their 1s and 2s. More on that tomorrow.
After, we looked at fractional line plots and analyzing data.
To continue the afternoon, student environmental presentations continued. Many of these have been quite impressive for first time ever large scale presentations.
To end the day, we looked at how dialogue can impact plot, characters, and theme!
Math- CCP L27
RELA- Read 30 min; log reading; KidBiz "Haiti" due Friday; G&L Roots due next Thursday
Other- Planner signed; wear green tomorrow- Produce Pentathlon; Tshirt and yearbook info due Friday
Post morning meeting, we filled in some background information between explorers, colonies and the start of the Revolutionary War. Tomorrow we will begin, what I believe to be, the best novel of the year- My Brother Sam is Dead. It is all about the American Revolution and what war can do to a family.
In math, we took a quick quiz on converting measurement. These will come home tomorrow. Many were disappointing, especially for a skill that we have touched upon in various lessons over the year and then spent 2 days reviewing. A revision packet will be sent home for those who would like to attempt to bump up their 1s and 2s. More on that tomorrow.
After, we looked at fractional line plots and analyzing data.
To continue the afternoon, student environmental presentations continued. Many of these have been quite impressive for first time ever large scale presentations.
To end the day, we looked at how dialogue can impact plot, characters, and theme!
Math- CCP L27
RELA- Read 30 min; log reading; KidBiz "Haiti" due Friday; G&L Roots due next Thursday
Other- Planner signed; wear green tomorrow- Produce Pentathlon; Tshirt and yearbook info due Friday
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
Tuesday March 15, 2016
Morning meeting did not occur today because Mr. Schmucker was in the lead of our room today while I was at a morning meeting. We went straight to special from morning work.
After special I was back at school.
In math we converted metric measurements.

After special I was back at school.
In math we converted metric measurements.
Large Unit to Small Unit = multiply by whole number
Small Unit to Large Unit = multiply by unit fraction
In science we used food label information to guess match labels to types of foods.
In the afternoon we entered the second day of presentations. I will be video taping one presentation in the next few days to use as an example for future classes.
In reading, we gained 2 new root words.

Then we looked into the social setting of Early American Historical Fiction texts.
Math- CCP Lesson 26
RELA- Read 30; log signed; KidBiz "Haiti" due Friday; G&L Roots due March 24th
Other- Planner signed
Monday, March 14, 2016
Monday March 14, 2016
This morning ticket drawing and DOJO recap started our day.
In science we looked at food labels.
In science we looked at food labels.
Math- customary units conversion in Sadlier Common Core! Use Eureka strategies to solve!
In the afternoon, we began our first presentations. We will continue these tomorrow.
In RELA, we looked at social setting and how social rules can control what happens in Early American Historical Fiction.
Math- CCP L25
RELA- Read 30 min; log signed; KidBiz "Haiti"
Other- Planner signed; LATE WORK!!!! Science projects and Cold Reads!!!!
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Thursday March 10, 2016
This morning, we made up some lost time and completed the spelling bee qualifying quiz.
After, I told the class that I would not be in school tomorrow due to my grandfather's passing on Tuesday morning. I will see you guys on Monday- I expect absolutely best behavior tomorrow!
In science we continued to work on our meal planning project. A four opportunity was presented today- planning healthy balanced snacks for the day.
In math, we reviewed numeric expressions.
As we moved into the afternoon, Google Slide presentations were coming to a wrap for most groups. Scripts are starting to be prepared! Presentations start Monday!
As for reading, we looked at the Physical Setting in AOtD and made great connections to how these physical settings control conflict, characters, and theme.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 32
RELA- Read 30 min; Log Signed; KidBiz "America" due TOMORROW; Greek and Latin Roots due TOMORROW
Other- planner signed; can good donated; Wear pink!
** There will be no blog post tomorrow since I am not in school. Thanks for understanding! **
After, I told the class that I would not be in school tomorrow due to my grandfather's passing on Tuesday morning. I will see you guys on Monday- I expect absolutely best behavior tomorrow!
In science we continued to work on our meal planning project. A four opportunity was presented today- planning healthy balanced snacks for the day.
In math, we reviewed numeric expressions.
As we moved into the afternoon, Google Slide presentations were coming to a wrap for most groups. Scripts are starting to be prepared! Presentations start Monday!
As for reading, we looked at the Physical Setting in AOtD and made great connections to how these physical settings control conflict, characters, and theme.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 32
RELA- Read 30 min; Log Signed; KidBiz "America" due TOMORROW; Greek and Latin Roots due TOMORROW
Other- planner signed; can good donated; Wear pink!
** There will be no blog post tomorrow since I am not in school. Thanks for understanding! **
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Tuesday March 8, 2016
All over the place morning with bus evacuation drills, Math 24 qualifying, and students absent due to sickness.
As things settled down, we began our newest project in science. Our new project will be to apply all the information we learned about starch, glucose, fat and protein to plan a healthy and balanced day of meals. Justifications for each food item will be needed! We hope to wrap up this project by Friday.
In math, we continued to divide decimals by converting them to fractions.
As things settled down, we began our newest project in science. Our new project will be to apply all the information we learned about starch, glucose, fat and protein to plan a healthy and balanced day of meals. Justifications for each food item will be needed! We hope to wrap up this project by Friday.
In math, we continued to divide decimals by converting them to fractions.
Presentations in writing. Written supporting character responses in reading.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 31
RELA- Read 30 min; log signed; G&L roots due Friday; KidBiz "America" due Friday; Response 2 due tomorrow
Other- Planner signed; cans donated
Monday March 7, 2016
This morning began with some MONTHLY TICKET DRAWING!!!! Congrats to our 9 winners for this month.
After, we completed our protein slides to round out our macro-nutrient slide projects. These will be graded and rubrics sent home soon. Tomorrow we will start our healthy meal planning project.
In math, we looked at dividing decimals by decimals in relation to dividing fractions. We continued to divide factions as multiplying by reciprocals. In the videos below, they use a "hop the decimal" out approach that is accomplished by finding equivalent fractions and multiplying by wholes of 10/10, 100/100, or 1,000/1,000. Use whichever way you want- they will get you to the same answer, but multiplying by reciprocals seemed to be our class' go to strategy.
After, we completed our protein slides to round out our macro-nutrient slide projects. These will be graded and rubrics sent home soon. Tomorrow we will start our healthy meal planning project.
In math, we looked at dividing decimals by decimals in relation to dividing fractions. We continued to divide factions as multiplying by reciprocals. In the videos below, they use a "hop the decimal" out approach that is accomplished by finding equivalent fractions and multiplying by wholes of 10/10, 100/100, or 1,000/1,000. Use whichever way you want- they will get you to the same answer, but multiplying by reciprocals seemed to be our class' go to strategy.
In the afternoon, we fired drilled and then worked on creating slide presentations for our environmental projects.
To wrap up the day, supporting characters were the focus of Arrow Over the Door.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 30
RELA- Read 30 min; Log signed; KidBiz "America Looks Back"; G&L Roots due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Canned good donations- 1 per student due by Friday
Friday, March 4, 2016
Friday March 4, 2016
Quick weekend wrap up! Just homework!
Math- NONE!
RELA- Log and 30 min reading; KidBiz "America Looks Back"; G&L Roots due 3/4
Other- Planner; Donate cans for next week
Math- NONE!
RELA- Log and 30 min reading; KidBiz "America Looks Back"; G&L Roots due 3/4
Other- Planner; Donate cans for next week
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Thursday March 3, 2016
Luke C. told us about his Thanksgiving holiday trip to North Carolina this morning.
In science, we created our FATS collage. Saturated = bad! Unsaturated = can be good!
Math- dividing fractions quiz
In science, we created our FATS collage. Saturated = bad! Unsaturated = can be good!
Math- dividing fractions quiz

Keep it. Flip it. Change It (Flop It).
New Root Words!
In the afternoon we met with our first grade buddies to celebrate Read Across America Week! Our class always impresses me when they get to work with the first graders. Great role models.
In writing, we discussed presentation expectations and rubrics. Some groups continued to revise and edit.
To wrap up the day, we focused on theme and antagonists in Arrow Over the Door. Our theme predictions were spot on!
Math- Divide Fractions
RELA- Read 30 and log; KidBiz "Revolution" due tomorrow!; G&L Roots due next Friday
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Wednesday March 2, 2016
Science morning meeting due to National Honor Society meeting with us this morning.
We looked at food tests for the macro-nutrients that we have already learned about.
We looked at food tests for the macro-nutrients that we have already learned about.
We also began discussing the importance of fat in our diets (in moderation!) and how it is not the "big bad wolf" of nutrition that we sometimes hear about. Fat can be healthy (as with everything- in moderation and type)!
National Honor Society from QSHS came over to read to students. We had some AMAZING questions about achievement and what it is like to go to middle school and high school. Great curiosity in our class.
In math, we continued to divide fractions. Today we decided, based on word problems, if we are starting with wholes and dividing by wholes, or if we are starting by wholes and dividing by fractions.
In the afternoon, we jumped right into writing. All but three groups are heading into presentations starting tomorrow.
To wrap up the day, we studied the protagonist Samuel Russell. He is quite the "think for yourself, question authority" type character who wants to pull away from his families "boring" Quaker religion. He wants to be involved in the "exciting" Revolutionary War between the Loyalists and Patriots (and even Native Americans). Our major focus is being able to write about what we have read. We will continue to practice this in our Google Doc journals.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 27
RELA- Read 30 min.; Log signed!; KidBiz "Revolution" due Friday; REVISIONS of last blog entry if you had a 2 or 1
Other- Planner signed
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Tuesday March 1, 2016
Kyle began our morning (much better than yesterday's by the way) with a horrific story about his battle with pink eye last week. Yeeeeeesh.
In science, we pulled our knowledge of glucose together to create a slide in our presentations about the importance of moderate amounts in our diet.
In math, we divided fractions by whole numbers.
In science, we pulled our knowledge of glucose together to create a slide in our presentations about the importance of moderate amounts in our diet.
In math, we divided fractions by whole numbers.
In the afternoon, we took our Greek and Latin root quiz.
Writing continued the transition from drafting to revising to editing to project work. Thursday is the goal for all projects being started.
To wrap up the day, we began looking at theme in EAHF genre. We looked at it in A.O.t.D. and our independent books.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 26
RELA- Read 30; logs signed; KidBiz "Revolution" due Friday
Other- Planner signed; Maddy B- Dojo Sign Up
Monday, February 29, 2016
Monday February 29, 2016
This leap day morning began in the most disappointing fashion that I could have imagined... Many students had major problems with completing homework over the weekend and that reflected in their Dojo. As a result of this, our science lesson was spent playing catch up. We made up that time during recess and finally wrapped up our glucose research... Homework is not an option- it is a refinement of skills learned in class.
Homework is practice of things learned in school. Homework is responsibility. Homework builds a strong base. Elementary school builds a strong base. Without this strong base, we cannot easily build new learning on top of this base come middle school, high school, college, or entering the professional world.
In math, we began dividing whole numbers by decimals.
Homework is practice of things learned in school. Homework is responsibility. Homework builds a strong base. Elementary school builds a strong base. Without this strong base, we cannot easily build new learning on top of this base come middle school, high school, college, or entering the professional world.
In math, we began dividing whole numbers by decimals.
In writing, 2 groups are working on presentations, 5 groups are revising, 3 groups are editing, and 2 groups are continuing to draft. By this Thursday I would expect all groups are working on their presentations. These will be presented starting next week!
In reading, we finished written responses to Early American Historical Fiction genre, and continued to dive deeper into our independent reading.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 25
RELA- Read 30; log signed; KidBiz "Revolution" due Friday; G&L Roots due tomorrow
Other- DOJO sign up- Maddy, Dean, Kyle; Planner signed
Friday, February 26, 2016
Friday February 26, 2016
today- morning meeting with Maddy B!
In science, we began to research glucose and its effect on our body. We will continue to create our collages on Monday.
Math- some tough measurement conversions today!

In science, we began to research glucose and its effect on our body. We will continue to create our collages on Monday.
Math- some tough measurement conversions today!
Drafting wrapped up and revisions began in writing. Some groups have begun to think about their presentations!
In reading, students wrote their first integration of knowledge response using our core text and their independent text about what story element was most important to the Early American Historical Fiction genre. These will be graded and scored on a 10 point rubric this weekend.
Math- Mod 4 Lesson 20
RELA- Read 30 minutes at least ONCE this weekend for your genre book; book log signed; G&L Roots due next Tuesday 3/1
Other- planner signed; Dojo signed up; Yearbook papers turned in; FITNESS TRACKING due Monday; GLUCOSE readings due Monday
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