Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Wednesday Nov. 5, 2014

What a delightful day back from a one day election break.

Bree kicked off our morning with a story about her trip to North Carolina.

After, we began looking at the different Native American tribes around the United States of America and researched the adaptations of Northeastern Woodland Native Americans.

In math we divided decimal dividends by whole numbers.  Some students took on the challenge of extending zeroes into the decimal place to show remainders as decimals.

Our writing lesson continued to develop the idea of theme and write a story about a specific theme that was in the mentor text Eleven that we read.  The theme of the story was "sometimes things do not go your way or as you planned" and students are now writing their own narratives to reflect upon this theme.

In reading we received our 10 new Lesson 6 words and did a word study on them.  Finish these for homework please.

Math- Divide decimal dividends
RELA- Summer Riley Ch. 17 (might be collected tomorrow...); finish vocab for lesson 6
Spell/Voc- spelling due Nov. 10; "miss/mit" sentences due Friday
Other- planner signed

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