Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday November 18, 2014

This morning, Mrs. Bigenho, Mrs. Wilson, and myself worked on some PSSA data analysis and future focus, so there was a substitute in all morning.  I was asked to help with new Common Core PSSA preparations, so tomorrow I will be attending another PSSA meeting at the Bucks County Intermediate Unit in Doylestown. I will not be here again... As the students know, I cannot stand missing days of school, so these past two days have been tough for me!  Hopefully they will pay off in preparation.

In math, students took a math LTA to check in with their skill acquisition up to this point in the 3rd unit.

In the afternoon we started wrapping up personal narratives, and then began a new book, Old Yeller.  In this story we analyzed the character Travis based on his actions, words, and thoughts so we could determine what type of person he was and why the author created him this way based on the other plot events.

Math- fraction review homework
RELA- Read 30 min; Elephants and Llama reading (annotate and number proof); S.o.R. take home tests due Thursday
Spelling/Voc.- Spelling due Nov. 24, "cred" sentences due Friday
Other- planner signed

AND, tomorrow's homework since I will not be here to post it!
Homework (Wednesday)
Math- simplify fractions homework (choose any 20 to do)
RELA- Read 30 min; Sharks and Armadillo reading (annotate and number proof; these are on the back side of last night's homework); S.o.R. take home tests due TOMORROW!!!! Books and packets handed in for credit
Spelling/Voc.- Spelling due Nov. 24, "cred" sentences due Friday
Other- planner signed

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