We began our day by discussing our breaks. After, we got our minds back on track by making goals connected to the character counts wall. Great start to the day!
In math, we estimated answers and then used our knowledge of adding and subtracting fractions to check if our estimations were correct.
In the afternoon, writing groups wrapped up introductions in Google Docs. Tomorrow we will begin body paragraph drafting.
Finally, to wrap up the day, we reviewed Cold Read tests and Text Dependent Analysis essays in reading. We then selected our next book club books and went over expectations for this round. It is much different than the last!

Garger Math- Mod 3 Lesson 13
Garger RELA- Read 30; Book Club Day 1 due tomorrow; KidBiz "No More Chocolate Milk" due Friday (graded and revision KidBiz if you do not hit 75%)
Other- planner signed; Canvas papers- Dean, Abby, Kaylyn
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