Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tuesday March 4, 2014

Check out T'ville 5th graders working on their essays to SeaWorld!  QCSDTV production:
Click here to see our class in action!

This morning we had our perseverance meeting with Mr. Moczdlowski and Mrs. Erk.  As a whole fifth grade team we discussed the importance of showing grit and pushing through frustrating or troubling times.  We also related this to the upcoming PSSAs and the importance of them in 2014.  Mr. Moczdlowski made a great connection to water at 211 degrees Fahrenheit and water/steam at 212 degrees Fahrenheit.  Do you want to be really hot 211 degree water or 212 degree steam that can move thousands and thousands of pounds?  The choice is yours, never give up because sometimes it only takes one extra degree or one extra try to really make a difference.

In MBSiD the cow-boys confronted Tim and his father on the way to Verplancks.  Luckily they got away and were able to make it to their cousins, the Platts, home.  Tim and his father still have much to experience on the way to Verplancks and back!

Math consisted of more metric conversion and a new way of converting using a 4 step system.  Please see videos below for more explanations.  Memorizing the metric step chart (kilo- to milli- is essential!)

Our afternoon began with a quick reminder of opinion writing properties.  Students continued to fill in their organizers and then began drafting opinion based five paragraph essays.  Our writing/reading stretch break included some proper lunges and air deadlifts- NICE!

In reading we reviewed cause and effect with a story about John Quincy Adams.  We then got into our newly arranged reading groups for some quality guided reading time.  Ah, feels good to be back in the reading routine.  Tomorrow we will begin reading Dangerous Crossing as our shared reading and discussing cause/effect within the story.

Tonight’s Homework
 Metric conversion worksheet (10.2)
Read 30 minutes
- NewsELA on Alien Radio is due March 11th- (Blue and Purple- 1040, Pink-950 , Green-710 )
- Earthquakes reading and questions (annotate, number proof, text evidence)
Vocabulary and Spelling
- Lesson 11 spelling due Friday (Spelling bee- pick your own words for each activity)
- “cred”; PWYK Friday (this is a hard batch of words this week!!)
- Planner signed
- Study Island (optional)
     PACCS Math: divide decimals AND compare decimals
     PACCS Reading: compare/contrast AND context clues

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