Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday September 23, 2014

Ali kicked off our morning meeting with her story of travels to Oregon.  I am very jealous of this story as I would LOVE to visit the Pacific Northwest.

In science we tried a new controlled experiment by testing different materials.  Styrofoam and plastic boats seemed to make a difference.  Ask your child what the best possible boat to make would be based on the materials that we have used so far.

In math we discussed powers of 10.  We related the powers of ten to moving place values and increasing or decreasing the size of a number.

We took our Lesson 2 spelling PWYK (prove what you know) today.  We will get new words within the next two days.

Today's writing lesson focused on drafting and sharing.  We continued our "flash" drafts of the personal narrative of our choice and then got into 4 corner sharing groups to give and receive polishes and pushes.  Mrs. Bauman (our aide) and myself were quite pleased with the quality of narrative stories that we are getting so far this year!

In reading, small groups continued questioning the text and identifying text features, while other groups or individuals read two different texts and wrote a response using text evidence, page numbers and quotes to support both texts.

Yesterday classes signed up for Fall Fun Night baskets.  Our class will be putting together the Backyard BBQ basket.  Donations for the basket are highly appreciated.  Basket raffle is always a big night for T'ville and all the money raised helps support TPO and all the great things we do here.  Please donate to our basket!

- Math: PV base ten practice worksheet
- Sci.: catapults due Friday
- Reading: Green and Blue- finish books, complete text features sheet (both sides); Purple and Pink- finish Integration of Knowledge (text evidence! page numbers! quotes!)
- Spell/Voc.: "spec" sentences due Friday
- Other: planner signed, Fall Basket donations (Backyard BBQ); GoGurt and Directory pages signed

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